Apple Posts

Apple Tips & Tricks
How to get featured in the App Store

It’s highly coveted, elusive and if you can land one, it’s going to pay off big time. It’s the feature spot in the App Store! When you secure a featured spot in the App Store, you are sure to see a spike in downloads and installs. Just check out the results that two of our […]

Apple Tips & Tricks
How to take advantage of the new App Store for your app

The new App Store is here Today, Apple announced the new iPhone 8 and iPhone X and with those comes iOS 11 and a newly redesigned App Store. So the question is, how can you take advantage of the new App Store for your app? 1. Get in on Apple Search Ads Apple Search Ads […]

Bad Apple Search Ad management is hurting your app

Apple Search Ads Management is the fastest growing service in our ASO suite. Why? Simple: they work, and they help your ASO! But, they only work if your campaigns are properly created and managed. It’s [dangerously] simple to wastefully spend and target the wrong users. Here’s how improper Apple Search Ads management can hurt ASO […]

Apple Tips & Tricks
Your iOS App is losing traction because of these 5 problems

Your iOS App is losing traction. The first step towards improvement is understanding why. There are a plethora of possibilities that could be causing your app ailment. Let’s examine 5 issues that could be hindering your app’s success in the App Store. 1. Boring, Basic, and Blah Your app blends in far too much in […]

Apple Tips & Tricks
How to design screenshots for the new App Store layout

The App Store is getting a major overhaul for the release of iOS 11. There are a lot of things to consider in getting your app ready for iOS11. However, updating your app’s creative is arguably one of the most important. The platform has been redesigned with a new emphasis on discovery. To increase user […]

Apple Case Study
Part 2: iOS 11 Subtitle, should you use it yet?

In my last post, I wrote about the iOS 11 title and subtitle, and explained the tests we were conducting to determine if developer’s should utilize the subtitle field yet, or wait for iOS 11 to be released.   In Test 1, we used an app that had around 15 characters in its title, and we […]

Apple Case Study
Part 1: iOS 11 Subtitle, should you use it yet?

iOS 11 is coming, and bringing with it a number of changes. One of the most important changes is that the app title field is now limited to 30 characters (changed from 50). App developers have long used the title to inject their top keywords. The title is the most weighted App Store element in […]

Apple News
Apple WWDC 17 New App Store

If you didn’t watch Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference, we’ve got you covered. We’re here to give you the key takeaways from the conference and how it’s relevant to you. Apple announced a number of extremely impressive hardware improvements, SDKs, developer tools and new technologies. But we’re most excited about the App Store stats that Apple […]

Apple Tips & Tricks
Leverage Apple Search Ads for ASO

Apple’s Search Ads are a fantastic way to gain visibility for your app, and in a lot of our experiences, a relatively cheap way. The platform provides a great way for developers to inject their app in front of users for even the most competitive keywords. So how can you use this platform to help your […]

Apple News
App Store News & ASO Changes

Apple has been pretty busy in the month of September thus far. On the first day of the month, Apple announced that all app titles will be limited to 50 characters, and in addition, they are removing apps that no longer function properly, or follow the App Store policies. Overall, this is a change for […]