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Check out our blog to stay up-to-date on the latest App Store Optimization trends, strategies and news. The App Store and Play Store are constantly evolving and growing, and being in the know is crucial to your app's success.
Apple Marketing
How ATT & Privacy Settings Affect Apple Search Ads

Apple Search Ads is quickly becoming one of the best way to advertise to iOS users — especially with all the privacy and anti-tracking measures Apple has put in place in the past year. But even advertising on the App Store is getting a little difficult with all of Apple’s privacy improvements. Let’s take a […]

iOS15 Shrinks Search Results For Downloaded Apps

With iOS 15 rolling out earlier this week, millions of people across the globe are experiencing and exploring the latest and greatest of Apple’s creativity. While nothing has yet still topped the hype of dark mode from a few years ago, there are still some cool new features that Apple has given iOS users. Something […]

Apple News
Split Testing Comes to the App Store

FINALLY! Apple is implementing a split testing platform into the App Store! The Google Play Developer Console has long offered split testing via their built-in tool, but Apple has never had a similar solution. To date, the only option was a third party testing platform or utilizing Apple Search Ads Creative Ad Sets as a […]

Apple Google News
“Minor” Changes Google & Apple are Making to ASO

Google and Apple are constantly changing and tweaking their respective app stores. We’re all here for innovation and improvement. We’re especially here for a heads up on innovations and improvements that affect our lives. Unfortunately, the two tech giants aren’t always the best at giving us a heads up on things that impact ASO. Here’s […]

Apple News
New Search “Modifiers” Coming to the App Store?

Apple is constantly shaking things up on the App Store – whether that be tracking mechanisms (rip IDFA), how the App Store is actually presented or adding increased user personalization with suggested apps. It’s Apple’s sandbox and we’re all just playing in it. Over the last few weeks, our team discovered a new feature that […]

Tips & Tricks
Apple Arcade vs. Google Play Pass

We’ve previously talked about the pros and cons of both Google Play Pass and Apple Arcade. Both platforms offer exciting opportunities to developers, as well as some potential drawbacks. Let’s say you’ve decided that you want to try to get invited to one of these services (they both are invitation only). Now the question is: […]

Apple News
iOS 14 is Here

Yesterday was the day of Apple’s unveiling of the new Watch 6 and iPad Air. While we didn’t get a new iPhone, we did finally get a release date for iOS & iPadOS 14 — September 16 (TODAY). Here are some of the key highlights for the iOS 14 release, as well as some new […]

Apple News
Apple Delays IDFA Limitations

We’ve previously talked about the most unsettling, if you will, feature of iOS 14: the limitation of the IDFA. With the reveal of iOS 14 at the 2020 WWDC (You can catch our recap here), Apple had announced that developers would have to specifically ask users to allow tracking. This had big implications for revenue […]

Apple News
Apple Introduces App Clips

If you kept up with the 2020 WWDC, then you should be well versed on all things iOS 14. One of the more exciting details , especially for developers, is the concept of App Clips. With the newest release of Apple’s beta testing app, TestFlight, developers can now start to test App Clips.   What […]

Case Study
Strava’s ASO Training Plan

With everyone still stuck at home and not quite ready to go back to their gym, exercising has become the only thing keeping a lot of people sane. I’ve never seen so many people outside running, walking their dogs or biking – and I’m from Florida so that’s saying A LOT. With a lot of […]

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