The ASO guide to mobile game user acquisition in 2018

The market for gamers has exploded in the last 5 years. If you have a phone, you can game whenever, wherever you are. Because of this, it’s more important than ever to have a good user acquisition strategy for your mobile gaming app.

If you’re in the world of marketing or advertising you may have heard of the 7 touch rule. This is the belief that it takes roughly 7 interactions with potential customers before they are more likely to convert, or in this case install.

Let’s examine a few areas in App Store Optimization that can benefit your mobile game user acquisition strategy:

Increase Organic Search Visibility

The first thing you should do to increase your user acquisition rate is optimize your app store product page.

App Store Optimization can be broken down into the following high-level tasks:

  1. Keyword optimization
  2. Text and graphics optimization
  3. Split testing text and graphics
  4. Generating and responding to user reviews
  5. Link Building
  6. Localization

For a complete checklist of ASO tactics, read our previous post, The ASO Checklist Challenge.

Focus on video content

Content marketing is king in attracting, converting, closing and delighting your user base online. Generating original video content is currently one of the most effective ways to attract new users and get them to come back again and again.

Apple Search Ads

Apple’s Search Ads are a great way to gain search visibility for your app. This platform provides a great way for developers to get their app in front of users for even the most competitive keywords.

Mobile Game App User Acquisition | Apple Search Ads - App Store Optimization and Search Visibility Agency


Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat ads

Much like Apple Search Ads, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat ads allow you to target users that align with your product demographics and entice them to install and use your app.

Mobile Game user acuisition strategy | The ASO Projcet Blog | App Store Optimization 2018


Playable ads

Possibly the very most effective user acquisition advertisement is the Playable Ad. What is a playable ad? It’s kind of like a snack-sized version of in-app gaming. The advantage of this is that user knows what they are signing up for. It’s a highly effective option for user acquisition because it helps you not only get installs but high-quality users with a lower churn rate.


Influencer partnerships

In case you have been living under a rock for the past few years, online influencers are exploding in popularity. These people pump out content regularly and have loyal fanbases that truly align with what they have to say. Influencers often serve hyper-specific niche audiences. This makes it easily accessible to get your mobile game in front of a specific group of people when you partner with influencers.


Ready to grow your user base? We can help. Request a discovery phone call with our team and let’s get your mobile app optimized for 2018!


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